I just wanted to make it clear to everyone that if anyone is still interested, you're welcome to use any and all of my mod materials, carte blanche, graphics/sprites included, so long as you give me the full credit for any of my original work, and don't sell, trade or distribute for profit, or otherwise break any copyright laws as pertains to them, beyond what's allowed by Illwinter, and Shrapnel Games, per their respective Terms of Use.
(Edit: Before you do, though, please do send me an email at
SevenEyedSaint@gmail.com, because I am actually going to give converting these to Dom4, and finish them, but I still would be happy to share them, and/or see them put to good use! I would just like to hear about what you have in mind. Thank you very much!)
It's been over a year, so that's already in effect, if unstated, and I've ran into fairly serious health problems, and I don't know if I'd ever get around to finishing them, anyway, so I'd rather they were available for everyone to use them freely, and hopefully some entertainment and enjoyment can come out of them.
I'll check my personal messages once in a (probably long) while, so if anyone wants advice or my thoughts on the intended direction of a given mod, they're all at least complete in my mind's eye, and I'm more than willing to expound upon them whenever I have occasion, and if I physically feel up to it.
Anyway, enjoy!