It has been a damn interesting war!
Facing two oponents is allways a nightmare (twice as much capital only units, twice as much orders, twice the reserach...), but facing both Tien Chi and Jotun proves to be a complete challenge. Not only they got the shock and awe of surprise attack, but they have absolutelly different threats that need absolutelly different answers:
Jotun has a full decked out SC God, backed up with spare, powerful, high hit points strong units. Tien Chi on the other hand, has huge amounts of standard troops (thanks to his soldier poping god), backed up by large amounts of low level mages that comunion. It's quite the opposite angle.
Both threats are dangerous, but facing both threats at the same time, is too much: whatever counter you research to face the SC is completelly useless against masses of archers, troops and mages. Whatever you research or recruit to face Tien Chi combination, is just a joke against Jotun high HP, high Threat units.
However, despise facing utter defeat, I'm quite happy about most my design choices. I'm planning to write a guide about Ermor, I think my build worked smooth. My diplomacy was not that good, though :P.
I'll keep doing turns just to avoid stalling everybody, but my nation is pretty much doomed. I'll be eated by both Tien Chi and Jotun in no time. But had a blast in this war, very good one