Re: Tiny Crowded World - EA - (Running)
...well my honest opinion is that no force hosting should be executed under normal circumstances. Forcing the host negates the whole concept of hosting interval, which, on the other hand, is there for a reason: no need for manual hosting and giving players freedom of schedule.
IF HOSTING INTERVAL IS TOO LONG, it should be adjust however, but not hosted manually without an occurance of rare exception (what ever it might be). Its not wrong to be the last.
If player still stalls, we should find a solution for stalling other than force hosting.
Also, force hosting brings up a serious question of integrity. Because its a great way to seize the opprtunity for the host him/her self or for his party, force hosting should be a outcome of consultation of the player base and not a sole decision of the admin.
If some1 is just too exited to get a new turn in, he should find other things to exite him/her.
....Just my thoughts....