Originally Posted by shatner
Hold on, I think we might be doing this wrong. This turn (turn 44) should play like any normal turn: I play T'ien Ch'i and Immactulate plays Pythium (I'm using this turn to send out requested forged items and dispensing my remaining wealth to my allies).
Next turn (turn 45) I will set T'ien Ch'i as AI. Having done so, will I also be able to play Pythium's turn 45? If not then Immaculate (or someone other than me) will have to play yet another turn.
There is another option, I think. If I gave Morla a different email address than the one I'm playing T'ien Ch'i as, then Morla can set that one to send and receive Pythium's turns. Then I can simultaneously play T'ien Ch'i and Pythium this turn and the next. By the start of turn 46 T'ien Ch'i will have been retired, Pythium can be changed over to my primary email address and then I will be in charge of 1 and only 1 nation once more. Would that work?
Even with different emails, the problem is the cd-key. I think Immaculate have to play one more turn. When both of you are ready for the change just PM me.