Another experimental game. The theme this time is no indies. And I mean *no* indies:
* We will play on a no indie map
* Mercenary recruitment is not allowed
* All magic sites that allow commander/unit recruitment have been removed
* Well of Misery moved to Evo. 8
So you will have to rely on your national units and whatever you can summon. Obviously this will make it more difficult to compensate for your weaknesses; but it will also make it harder for others to counter your strengths. Also, keep in mind that if you want to actually have a scout network you'll need to devote fort recruitment turns to that (so, it's kind of like an EA game in that respect

Because tarts provide so much magic diversity late game I've moved WoM to Evo. 8 (and even aside from that issue I like having it not be in Conj. and have done that in previous games). But other than that I haven't made any other changes from base CBM 1.92.
I've attached a modified version of CBM to this post. This is the only mod you'll need active when creating your pretender. There's also a debug version of the mod that has a 1 gem version of Acashic Record for each path. Feel free to start a game with every nation starting with 9 provinces and then just start casting that. Please let me know if you come across any sites that I've missed (thought I had them all but I found another one today). It goes without saying that if you find one after the game has started you shouldn't use it.
Age: MA
Players: 6
Diplomacy: None
Banned nations: all water nations
Hosting: llamaserver
Hosting interval: 24 hours up to turn 25, 48 hours up to turn 50, 72 hours from then on
Mods: modified version of CBM 1.92
Map: No indie version of Realm of Rampaging Roaches (will attach to post when map is ready)
HoF: 15
All other settings default
Exploits: Don't use them of course. Also, if you do come across a site that allows recruitment don't use it.
C'tis - Slobby
Eriu - Valerius
Mictlan - Larz
Pangaea - ghoul31
Shinuyama - Reverend Zombie
Vanheim - KeithZ