well hooley, i didn't say an alliance before the game, i said very early. i think i said turn 5, but if it was turn 10, that is not all that big a difference.
the reason i was so heavy handed in diplomacy is because i beleived i had the upper hand. i then attacked with my SC, and he fell asleep, and you killed him. EXTREMELY dumb on my part, but hey, i'm the only one to blame there. i actually can be a very pleasant neighbor...when i think you are stronger than me. and obviously i either overestimated myself, underestimated you, or both.
also, i was a bit surprised to find shardphoenix, a guy who has helped me many times by answering my questions, was my neighbor in a newbie game!! of course, i didn't figure this out until you and i were mauling one another.
in short, i realize that due to my own miscalculations and your alliance, that this game is hopeless. but i did figure one thing out: if you really don't care, you can cook off a turn in no time at all! so i won't be going AI. but if you are nice to me, i might withdraw to the north, cede you a bunch of territory, stop my raiding in force, and give you my southern castle. we'll just have to decide where you will stop coming. this way, shard don't get too much of my corpse, and maybe i can spring a nasty surprise!!!
well, since this is public, i guess that won't work...