Are you sure? Only about 20% of tartarians arrive as commanders. Look at the regular troops in that province.
I was sort of hoping this game would proceed without anyone bothering the tarts, but I guess not
I'm not try to make you feel bad about doing it - tarts are a perfectly legal part of the game and it will feel like a normal dom3 game with everyone bopping around behind our big, bad tartarians. I just happen to have a personal feeling that the game is more interesting without them. This is largely because the best way to counter them is with tarts of your own, so all those nicely differentiated nations at the start of the game end up looking alike by the end.
On the other hand, that no-gem thug of BR Ulm's laid about 70 points of damage on my undead Dust Priest
in a single round - so 2 or 3 of them ought to be able to take down a tart in a round or two. BR Ulm may have have the perfect cheapo tart-counter.