Originally Posted by Shardphoenix
For the same cost you can get sleeping E9N4S2 Lord of the Forest. You loose 1D, but get lots of chaff and titan-sized chassis, vulneurable to Mind Duel - but still able to do some thrashing against non-astral nations.
I like them both a lot. The LotF's chaff is really useful to protect forts and act as decoys on the battlefield and he's certainly capable of acting in an SC role.
But the archdruid has virtues as well. Map move 3, stealthy and recuperation. So with this build you can get some early mind hunt protection (without the risk of magic duel), a couple extra paths, and later if you can get an elixir of life and cast ritual of returning you can use them in battle and they'll heal any afflictions if they are "killed" (admittedly, this last point is a lot more appealing to Eriu, which doesn't have national healers like Man does).
Originally Posted by Shardphoenix
Costs 2 gems and gives you 10% insanity.
15%, IIRC.
I was getting 10% in my tests, with each casting increasing it by another 10%.