Re: Giants and Dwarves [MA; CBM ; Noob friendly] [Full 12/12]
so it is said by someone that i:
1) am a "dbag"
2) quit games before defeated
3) quit games when cant win
in order:
1) i cant argue about that because its more of an attitude of him (however it was) towards me then a statement about my behavior.
2) this opinion formed (in the corresponding person, i wouldnt say "forums") one and a half year ago, when i - as a beginner - enthusiasticly dived into many games, and found myself overwhelmed by the time and energy requirements of (multiple) endgames, and jumped out of many within a short period, then took a half year off. all of the games that tried to, found replacement.
3) it was calahan's theory about my reasons for quitting (some kind of projection, i guess). my in-game position wasnt among the aspects i considered when was about to quit. its hard to check now, but in most of the games i quit then, i was in about second-leading, good position. interesting fact, that calahan (who is in my opinion is at the root of it) wasnt participating in any of my games, yet he got touched by it emotionally most.
yes, i have a degree in psychology.