Originally Posted by JonBrave
Originally Posted by Soyweiser
Use D random mages to cast wither bones.
A well, commune some mages together to have a few of the D random ones cast wither bones, or just use the astral booster to raise their D3+ level.
Wither bones does indeed sound good, but it's Thaum. #6, I'm #4, and requires D3, when only some of mages are D1. I have an income of like +3 Death gems per turn (due doubtless to Voice of Tiamat over all seas has given me great gems but no Death). I respect what you're saying, but it's too much (IMHO!).
(As for the communion to raise D level, I'm sure you're absolutely right, but after two-years-odd of SP I have still never even tried to set one up...  )
I can deal with Death on land with Astrals or Water Cleansing, it's underwater that's irritating. To be honest, I probably don't really understand how to deal against death troops correctly!
booohohohooo, I cannot research and set up communions. really... Get wither bones, and set up communions, you only need 4 slaves. And actually, you only need 2, and each master must cast the astral spell that improves all magic levels, or give them a crystal shield (yeah, doesn't work on the EA Rlyeh mages).