This game is intended to be a entry level game. To give some guidance I would say fewer than 10 MP games is a good cutoff point. I've got no experience but I'm
sure that human players can't be much harder than AIs.
Players 10, Hosted on Llamaserver
Map: Cradle of Dominion
CBM 1.94
Assimilation 1.1 (needs patching for EA but otherwise fine)
Proposed Rules:
Research: Standard
Gold: 400
Starting provinces: 1
Sites: 75
Hosting: Every 24 hours for 21 turns, then votes can be called for a change
All others' standard.
Diplomacy: Trades binding. Doubtlessly word shall reach every tavern that a pretender has dishonored him/herself by breaking a treaty (that is I or the admin will message everyone about it).
Assimilation mod allows the recruitment of some flavor units (but never elite) from the capitals of conquered nations.
All standard exploits banned: Bogarus orders, autospawn locking forts, filling labs, pining armies with retreating scouts.
All nations free.
Players (6/8)
American Foreign Policy: Abysia
Ossa: Marignon
Tivavals: Agartha
Hereward: Vanheim
Ossa: Ulm
Sluagh: Ermor
Krpeter: Bandar Log
Googly1: Mictlan