Originally Posted by YellowCactus
Folket was also attacked by Atlantis in a random, yet bloody brawl. His invasion plans were set back about 4 turns, and when he went in, I don't think he initially sent many Mages. Not sure how the battles went.
I had expected the attack by Sauromatia, as he cancelled our NAP. So I was prepared for that attack all the time and for fighting Sauromatia an earlier attack wouldn't have made much of a difference. However it would surely have given you more room and time to breath.
The attack went a bit like yours, only much shorter. He reached my first castle and was blown away by Meteors. After that we did a bit of dance around Imictan with strong armies. There were one or two other larger battles but nothing decisive. Meanwhile I captured all your suthern provinces. He than started raiding with Enaries and I started raiding with a Treeant and Gargoyles. I was much more successful in that, and I think Sauromatia was just on the brink to get into real trouble.