Re: Dominions 3 no longer available from Shrapnel?
I am a raving lunatic.
Personally I am not a fan of desura, I've seen a lot of really jank stuff on their store, and I feel like sometimes well... desura is the wild west...buyer beware...
Steam though? yeah, I'm a steam fanboy.
It'd be awesome if illwinter would post dominions 3 for greenlight, I'm sure that fans would rally to support it. Many other popular games made it through the greenlight process quite quickly. If dominions 3 could get on steam before the xmas sale was over I bet they could move a metric fragle rock ton of units. dom3 could really move a lot of product on something like steam at like 20$ a pop. At least imo.
I'm starting to fully expect dominions 4 release in 2014 or 2015. I'm going to be wildly excited for no real reasons and run around my home screaming excitedly..brb