As I was fighting a battle using Swedish troops I noticed that the weapon data for Swedish hovercrafts didn't look believable.
Weapon 14, 37mm m/38 L45, in a modern vessel with HE Kill: 1.
After a little bit of googling I finally found the Swedish Defence Forces page about the hovercraft:
cirka 10 ton
Vilket kan vara något av följande olika alternativ:
- 50 utrustade soldater
- 1 bandvagn 309S
- 1 20 fots container
1 tung kulspruta 12,7 mm"
Carry capacity ~10 metric tons, which can be used for following options:
- 50 soldiers + equipment
- 1 Bv309S (
- 1 "20 fots" container
1 heavy machine gun 12,7mm
Unit 600, Griffon 6100TD
Carry capacity: 250
Weapon: 051 12,7mm M2HB HMG