Any takers
I don't have a lot of time or great map making skills but it occurs to me there is a good campaign out there if a few people got together & showed an interest.
China takes back Taiwan probably present day, possibly with USMC appearing later.
1) Player is China probably playing with a Marine Core
2) Sides are fairly evenly matched if assume China does not use its best tanks due to weight.
3) Good variety on terrain over fairly small area.
4) Suitable objectives.
5) China has a few landing ships now lets assume a couple more enter service.
6) Playing as China the player would generally be at a slight disadvantage on the vehicle front if marine based. Amphibious vehicles are normally big targets so caution is required. If the army gets involved later ATGMs are a major threat even to MBTs.
7) Possible slight mod to OOB, one marine squad per platoon carries an RPG to cut down on AT teams.
The coast has lots of ports or fairly unpopulated areas to land on, centre is mountains.
Rest cities, farmland (including some paddy fields) & swaths of woods with roads cutting through ideal for ambush. Fair amount of streams & rivers near coast.
Could go something like
Assume China lands on west coast
1) Could take one of the small islands for the airport
2) Land at North tip due to low population though then have to travel through woods & cross a river or
3) Land around Linkou
4) Secure port just North at Bali
5) A few Km South is the main airport
Now China can reinforce.
6) As head South there are more ports & the odd airbase.
7) Also the odd oil refinery I think though the big one & its port are near the South end at Xiaogang
8) USMC could try landing on the other side, or perhaps here say Taiwan defending & you need to take it fast to catch the USMC before it hits the docks.
9) So China does not have a armour advantage MBTs would not land till beachheads are secured. Could restrict types & numbers even then, only start appearing around the time USMC makes its appearance.
Possible negatives to it
Would probably need to be fairly large scale, amphib landings, river crossings, airports, cities.
First battle would be hard no easing in unless you took an outlying island airfield first.
If nothing else there are some good maps there like the ports refinery & airport.
Also the one of scenario idea of try & take a port before reinforcements land might be interesting even if a campaign is not viable.