I fully agree. We know where to get it if we need it and we might in about two years (See ref 2 below.), as Indonesia is good. The refs below will show why the Russians
held off on the BMP-3F and possibly caused some "confusion" for some of the ref sites. Blame it on the KURGANETS-25 program.
For everyone else why did I "change" my input when I read the JANE's ref (Reposted below.)
over what are truely top tier refs? Well first a couple were noncommital. It's one thing to say they have them vs.
having them, I.E. Origin vs. Using them or Built in vs. Fielding (Operating.) them etc. But more importantly it's JANE's. I will leave it for you this way for reasons some will understand, +12yrs/4 Submarines and 7yrs (Two seprerate tours.) Submarine Group/Atlantic Fleet Alt HQ Ops Staff and a brand new very expensive JANE's... All the Worlds Naval ED. every year at all of them or, for you Poker players 4 Aces and 1 King of Spades to cap it off your hand, it's that good.
And you wonder why I asked John (IMP) a few years ago to run my JANE's fund raising campaign!?!
It's why I keep looking.
Third Para.
Last Para.
Thanks again Don!