Can anyone confirm the info found here
that Soviet Light tank coys were 8 tanks in 1941 . They also show the Hvy co as 5 tanks and it seems to me we've been to this dance before
HOWEVER........... this *may* refer to a 1941 tank battalion ONLY ( by the text this seems to be the case ) ........... this may have been a temporary formation structure or it may have lasted for awhile. If anyone feels up to digging around let me know what you find out. It probably helps if the search is done in Russian.
It may be that this is just to illustrate how dire things had become in 1941 and this is just to show a "typical" formation not an official formation structure. They weren't exactly swimming in t-34's in Dec 1941
Ah !.... thinking "Tank Brigade" from 10/41 - 5/42 might cover this well enough. That gets through the winter of 41