Questionable components.
OK, some of the components in SE4G either sounds really stupid or I'm missing something really important.
The premise is that in the manual, it is stated that "Damage is applied first to any shields the ship may have. Once the shields are depleted, the armor takes damage."
Problem with emmisive armor: By the time I'm done researching Armor 6 to get Emissive Armor III, everyone will have a weapon that do more than 30 points of damage. Worthless tech?
Problem with Crystaline Armor: "15 points of damage per hit will be channeled into the shield" What shield? There won't BE any shield since the enemy have to strip the shield to reach the armor in the first place...
Both these components suggest that damage dealt in combat are spread between shield and armor, is this true? or is there a big design fluke for these two components?