Germany OOB 16: wrong warhead size for weapon #135 and #136
Weapon #135 PzB 783(r) and #136 PzB 784(r) still have the old warhead size 2.
I guess, it`s the Fremdengerätnummer for the russian PTRS and the PTRD, which in the russian OOB have WH size 1.
And also a question. All anti-tank rifles have had their WH size reduced to 1 some patches ago. Did you increase accuracy for them? For some reason the german PZB 39 (weapon #88) has an accuracy of 34 while e.g. #135 PzB 783(r) only has 21.
I did some accuracy tests a while ago, and when I increased WH size of the ATR to 2, accuracy was much better. So maybe it should be increase for all of them.