Originally Posted by Aeraaa
Turns 26-30
In these turns, I identify the main axis of advance of the Ukrainian mechanized force: Siret bridge to the south.
So the plan is to find where to put units to ambush the Ukrainian heavy force. I send some infantry at (14), planning to send them even more south. In addition, I will try to sneak one platoon of the force defending Siret bridge towards (15). They will probably be able to delay the Ukrainians for long enough until I figure out where to counter them…
I think they want the main bridge and will advance in mass towards 11, 12, and 13.
I would hold all units. Cut off Ukrainian paras from linking up to the main force; while making a LOD from 14 SW to a point east of the main bridge, as far south as the old cementery. The Ukrainian advance must be slowed...use artillery fires to slow them down. Pyros has a tutorial showing how to engage artillery fires with each turn. That's the ambush.
Great stuff!