In this scenario, I command elements of the 4th Canadian Mechanized Battlegroup (4th CMBG) with the mission of deploying around the town of Buchhoven and prevent any attempt by the opposing Czech forces from seizing it, or bypassing it. I will receive reinforcements of a mechanized company+a tank platoon later on.
The map of the area is the following. The size of the battlefield is 160*180 hexes.
The town of Buchhoven is the largest one in the center-west part of the map. It has three other villages in front of it which are (from north to south): Ottmaring, Mandorf and Kirchdorf bei Osterhoven. These urban areas are ideal for defending the objective, since I can deploy infantry there and they will be quite hard to dislodge. Per briefing, Czechs will have no air or artillery support which makes holding these areas even more vital.
My forces are deployed as following:
1-Canadian force composed of the HQ, one mechanized infantry platoon, two recon platoons one mortar section and one AT section. Their mission is to dash towards Mandorf (6) and take positions there. The HQ and the mortars will deploy to Buchhoven at (3)
2 and 3-Two wing forces composed of two scout platoons and one AT section each. The northern one (2) will go past Koningswold and take positions around Ottmaring (4). The southern one (3) will defend around Kirchdorf bei Osterhoven (7).
5-These positions offer good fields of fire and the plan is to be occupied by TOW platforms.
8-This position is important to be occupied to protect against any southern flanking actions.
My force is quite light but mobile. Because of that, I hope that I will be able to rush towards my objectives and consolidate some kind of defense before the enemy comes towards me. The enemy is reported to be a mechanized battalion and a recon battalion strong.