Recon with vehicles
This is how I use scouts. They will walk but I prefer to load them onto any vehicle perfeably a H/T with their small arm protection and dismount out of LOS, moving formward with zero range set. Ideally the vehicles should also be armed, fast (then a md tank) and preferable a scout vehicle.
Now my question. How do you use armour cars. In game they do not have any recon ability (or do they?) and are easy prey to almost anything this AP. In real life they were used as recon units, in game I'm very reluctant to pick and type of ac simple because I don't know how to use them.
This is porbably something I should know baring in mind I've been playing this game on and off in all it versions but have never got to grips with it.
Is it only units with the word 'scout' in it's class that scout?