Re: OT: Star Trek Nemesis
Berman and Braga are the current executive producers of the entire trek franchise. Berman was hand picked by Roddenberry to lead the franchise.
On DS9, he handled the studio-production link and gave the writers free range to do what they want (something forbidden on nearly all shows even now). In response to the poor viewing results of DS9, voyager was a total clampdown.
Majel was pretty much run off the series after DS9. Majel has also stopped her involvement with Tribune Entertainment after they destroyed EFC and Andromeda. I think all she gets is the meager royalties from the various franchises roddenberry made.
The Temporal Cold War is just a gimmic to attact the x-file viewers now. As a seperate show (and universe), it would have been interesting to see.
Babylon 5 : 8
Space Above and Beyond : 3
I just never felt comfortable with the Overwhelming aspects of christian religion (while totally ignoring all others) in babylon 5, but it gains points for perfect handling. Space:A&B suffers from the slipping of nazism into the series.
In the TOS era, TV shwos ran around 50 minutes, in the TNG to Voy era they ran about 45.
In Enterprise, the episodes run roughly 38 minutes.
I could accept everything going on in Trek as an alternate reality type stuff except for one thing. Gene Roddenberry wrote the series as what humanity should be in this reality.