possible bug: refitting multiple ships in multiplayer
In a multiplayer game, I had 3 ships that I wanted to refit to a newer design. So I went through the process of refitting to the new design but on the next turn, only 1 of them was refitted.
Anybody else saw this behavior ?
Why weren't the 3 ships refitted all at once. This is particularly frustrating since I have multiple base shipyard to repair the components to the new design.
Also, I've seen weird behavior when I combine load orders with move orders.
With colony ship, I give it the order to load population from the planet and then choose a planet to move to. On the next turn, the colony ship loads the population but doesn't move. The following turn, it will start to move towards its target.
Why is this ? Loading population (or any cargo) takes a full turn ???
Need some feedback here...