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Old December 11th, 2003, 08:54 PM

Klebdog Klebdog is offline
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion

It has been awhile since I have seen the original series, but I seem to remember them finding another BattleStar that survived. I also remeber it having a Father/Daughter team on board. The dad was the Captain and the daughter was a fighter pilot who had the hots for Starbuck. I wonder if they are going to pull that one off?
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Old December 11th, 2003, 09:41 PM
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion

What?? You don't recall the Battlestar Pegasus and the legendary Commander Caine???

I liked a lot of this new Battlestar Galactica. I was expecting Adama to correct the President by pointing out that the humans were still at war because the Cylons wouldn't stop coming after them. Yes, the Cylon pursuit of humanity makes more sense in this re-telling, although the first one made a logical cause. In the original, the Imperious Leader executes Baltar (remember, this is the original movie), stating the human beings are a threat by their very nature. In this new Version, the Cylons feel that they are the perfect creation of God, and they must exterminate humanity in order to prove this. In the context of a religious crusade, it makes sense that the Cylons would need to kill every Last human.

I was disappointed in the final speech by Adama. Great delivery, but I rather like the Lorne Greene Adama: thoughtful, wise and spiritual. The new Adama seems a bit cynical, and even this reasoning would be hard to accept (the top command knows where Earth is, but kept it a secret). I would rather he laid it out as a quest to find Earth, and the Proforma system was a first step in that path. Even if it was, in a sense, a lie he creates to give his people a reason to live.

I thought it funny that the new production included women (as an effort to re-examine or change the characters) yet somehow also managed to eliminate the major black characters, unless you count the Athena replacement. I do agree that revealing Boomer as a Cylon seems a mistake. They should have left far more room for speculation of spies and "sleepers" in the fleet rather than reveal who it is.

The original Galactica never had much in the way of major ship to ship weapons (just point defense), and neither did this one. That was surprising, given that this Adama told Apollo that the Galactica would deal with the base ships. I expected missiles or something shooting at the base ships.

Yes, I know the Last Galactica tv episode was a duel with a base ship, but even those weapons looked like the point-defense from every other episode.
I'm about to turn it up a notch!!

Where's the ka-boom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering ka-boom!
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Old December 11th, 2003, 10:03 PM
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion

When the Pegasus took on the two basestars it was with nuclear missles. Of course the clip they showed of the missles launching looked like the Saturn V third stage separatign from stage two. QUite comical looking, and it didn't help that they showed the same 2 seconds over and over about 12 times in a single 30 second segment.
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Old December 11th, 2003, 10:17 PM
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion

Geo, you're right, but that's not the episode I was referencing.

Repeating the same scenes over and over again..and we still loved that show. You always knew the viper would hit that middle cylon raider and the other two would break right and left. And the cylons would always fall for the "hit the brakes and watch them fly right by us" manuever, even looking over their shoulders when they should have been trying to turn their ship.

Ah, the memories....

EDIT POST: I like how some of the other ships made it to this new movie. I expected that one ship to say "Colonial Movers: We Move Anywhere". I was surprised the botannical ship was destroyed. I expected it to escape, as there was one in the series fleet. That was probably deliberate.

[ December 11, 2003, 23:17: Message edited by: Cheeze ]
I'm about to turn it up a notch!!

Where's the ka-boom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering ka-boom!
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Old December 12th, 2003, 12:15 AM

Patroklos Patroklos is offline
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion


I was also hoping to see a few more military ships escape. At the end of Part one Adama sends a message to the fleet he tells them to regroup at the anchorage for a counterattack. Now I wasn't expecting a counterattack to actually happen, nor was I was expecting to see any more battlestars (they said 30 were destroyed off the bat and that was only 1/3 of the fleet. 90 BATTLESTARS!!!) but what about the rest. Not a single Cruiser, Destoyer, or Frigate escaped? If I remember correctly in the original series there were some smaller warships present, many of them participated in the figher defence. How about some left over fighters? As it is I don't thing the Galactica could have escaped with any more than a wing of 30 odd fighters, and at least 10 were already destroyed. They are going to run out.

And why does Adama care what the "President" says. For one, she is 34th in line, which is like Monica Lewinski taking power. And she talks alot about democracy, but I am pretty sure an education minister is an appointed position.

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Old December 12th, 2003, 11:22 AM
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion

Originally posted by Patroklos:

I was also hoping to see a few more military ships escape. At the end of Part one Adama sends a message to the fleet he tells them to regroup at the anchorage for a counterattack. Now I wasn't expecting a counterattack to actually happen, nor was I was expecting to see any more battlestars (they said 30 were destroyed off the bat and that was only 1/3 of the fleet. 90 BATTLESTARS!!!) but what about the rest. Not a single Cruiser, Destoyer, or Frigate escaped? If I remember correctly in the original series there were some smaller warships present, many of them participated in the figher defence. How about some left over fighters? As it is I don't thing the Galactica could have escaped with any more than a wing of 30 odd fighters, and at least 10 were already destroyed. They are going to run out.

And why does Adama care what the "President" says. For one, she is 34th in line, which is like Monica Lewinski taking power. And she talks alot about democracy, but I am pretty sure an education minister is an appointed position.

Actually the entire colonial fleet consisted of 120 battlestars with 240 fighter squadrons (2 per ship unless the third gen battlestars could hold more) the approximate manpower was 245,000 men and women in the fleet. Frigates, destroyers, and cruisers were probobly considered absolete being that a battlestar (especially the third gen battlestars which we sadly didn't see any of) would be a turbo charged battleship with the ability to launch the advanced viper mark 7s and besides that in space a battleship with intercept fighters would probobly be better then a small ship.

As for additional warships and surviving fighters if you look very closely at the fleet of survivor ships when boomer makes her jump into the sector you see what looks to be at least three seperate fighter Groups flying CAP around the area of the fleet, some of them look like the mark 7s while others look kind of like 2s. So I think these fighters probobly just came aboard Galactica when the refugee fleet arrived because if you remember all of Galactica's mark 7s were destroyed yet in the final battle scene we see a conisderable number of 2s and 7s launching to engage the Cylon raiders at the Galactia perimiter. So perhaps they made reference to it when that guy was talking to Baltar and mentioned having to refitt the new vipers.
If Galactica was fully loaded it could hold an approximate 40 to 60 vipers depending on how cramped they packed her.
And is it just me or did some of those Viper's look different from both the Mark 7s and 2s? Maybe some older fighters managed to link up with the Civilian fleet??
Oh and those aren't lasers the fighter use they are railguns most likely, as reffered to when CPO Tyrol said "She's fully loaded and fueled sir" or something like that when telling Adama about his old Viper. Lasers don't count as munitions.

Now on to the Galactica and those who were disapointed by her firepower, I don't think she was actually comitting herself to the fight, as her "main guns" the big ones that fired slower then those rapid deck guns seemed to fire HE shells which would be more then enough to blow a hole in a base star's armor if she was trying to kill one.

And BTW NO the Galactica DOES NOT have shields, that was the effect of the Nuke going off, as even Adama said "The hull plating caught most of the hard stuff". So it is most likely that the Galactica has ablative armor or at least some type of reactive armor.

Oh and as to why Adama respects the president, easy she is now rightfully the president and is a very in charge person so unless he had her shot he wouldn't be able to come up with a good reason to take over.

Remeber this Adama is not the "wiseman/godlike know it all/ spiritual guide/ moses/ noah" that the original was he is a much more realistic MILITARY commander who thinks in military terms and the President is the best choice for controling the civvie population.

P.S. I do hope if they get a full series out we get to see the Battlestar Pegusus and hopefully she'll be one of the New Battlestars that was replacing the second gen Galactica type because I'd love to see one of them. And it would also be cool if they actually had her SURVIVE in the series so that we get to see some more kickass space battles between Battlestars and Basestars.

P.P.S. Nope no hostility at all Atrocities I just really didn't like the New Outer Limits and even thinking about it sometimes ticks me off .

Now as to the Cylons, they did explain it but it was more in the way the Cylons acted then in the "spoken" script so since I often read into things a great deal it seemed obvious to me I meant no offense to those of you who didn't quite get it.

[ December 12, 2003, 09:45: Message edited by: Starhawk ]
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Old December 12th, 2003, 01:51 PM

Patroklos Patroklos is offline
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion

Assuming smaller ship classes are obsolete is just something the AI thinks . The fact is smaller ships are normally cheaper and have very different roles than something the size of the Galactica. Obviously, if I fitted a battlecruiser with the weapons of the more advanced battlestars you talk about then it would probobly make mincemeat of the Galactica. How about an Unrep or support ship? Unsupported battleships are useless.

And I think most military leaders disregard the civilian chain of command sucession after 20 heartbeats, and rightfully so. Hell, I bet Adamas G-Rate is even higher than the "Prez." In all seriousness if they reallyn want to be democratic they need to hold an election. Civilians have nothing better to do, except die of course.


[ December 12, 2003, 11:55: Message edited by: Patroklos ]
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