
December 10th, 2003, 07:39 AM
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Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion
Ok, you were warned. If youa re reading this I guess you saw it or don't care.
WTF!!! Boomer is a Cylon sleaper agent? Oh my! Didn't see that one coming at all. So I wonder does she get killed when she's discovered, or does her life as a human make her susceptable to turning over to the "good side". Can't wait to see more about that. Nice touch there Ron.
And what was the deal with the note left in Adama's quarters saying there were only 12 cylon models? Who wrote that? And Adama calmly sticks it in his safe like it's no big deal. Huh? I think I missed something there.
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December 10th, 2003, 09:48 AM
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Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion
Baltar wrote the note because he is the only one who knew there wre 12 models.
I too was both ticked and surprised by the Boomer revalation. I think its a bad bad bad idea, but then agian they made boomer a women.
Like Seven, oops, I mean Six (or is it sex) said, some don't even know they are cylon.
Also if she is a cylon, wouldn't someone have figured it out by now. I assume it takes "YEARS" to go through the Colonial Military Acadamy and then fleet service to earn your wings. The Last I looked, she was flying a ship.
I like how they were willing to sacrafice people to save themselves. Leaving those other ships behind was something you would never see in Star Trek. I rather enjoyed it myself.
The Glassing of whole worlds, again a very nice thing to see.
And we don't know if the glassings were done via orbital bombardment, or bomb, although they did make referance to a detonation "above" Capracica City.
I will never buy the story line about the cylons being made by man although it is key to the story. I like the concept that another race built the cylons and that the cylons killed that race before coming after humanity. That to me was a much better story idea then this Blade Runner & Screemers rip off.
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December 10th, 2003, 03:10 PM
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Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion
I also was floored when Boomer was revealed to be a cylon sleeper agent. Apparently these particular types of models can age and grow, as she would have to be younger to have gone through the academy and then put whatever years of service she had to be to the point where she is now. And apparently the cylons didn't know or care that she was in her original craft when they killed that squadron. So hopefully she'll turn out to be a sleeper who turns good. I hope, if they do create a series, that is one of the story lines that get developed and is made into a good story of programming vs moral choice.

December 10th, 2003, 03:24 PM
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Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion
Originally posted by Atrocities:
I will never buy the story line about the cylons being made by man although it is key to the story. I like the concept that another race built the cylons and that the cylons killed that race before coming after humanity. That to me was a much better story idea then this Blade Runner & Screemers rip off.
I respectfully disagree. The motivation for the Cylons causing them to try so hard to completely eradicate the human race was one of the weaknesses in my mind of the original series. It never seemed to make sense why they would hate them so much just because they interfered in some war. The Cylons being made by man gives them more depth and personality.
Not familer with Screemers, but I don't see this as derivative of Blade Runner at all. Mainly the difference is one of degree. To me Blade Runner is more of a metaphor for the racial tensions we experience between different Groups of humans. The Robots there are playing the part of a disenfranchised minority group lashing out against the oppresive moajority power structure. You might get yourself killed by a psychotic robot on an individual basis if you were unlucky, but they were no threat to the species as a whole. The fact that they are robots isn't really central to the theme in Blade Runner in my mind. It's coloring instead of the substance of the story. You could replace the robots in Blade Runner with the minority racial, religious or ethnic group of your choice and the story would be just as relevent and compelling.
The Cylons in this form on the other hand represent our dependance on technology unleashed come back to haunt us. They represent a real threat to the entire human species, much more then the robots in Blade Runner did. In my mind it's more comparative to The Stand or Terminator.
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December 10th, 2003, 03:51 PM
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Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion
I'll have to agree with Geo on this one, making the cylons a human creation gives the story more depth.
What really impressed me was the combat. The old series had the fighters behaving as if there were an atmosphere in space. In this one the physics are much better, cut your thrust, spin around and fly backwards! That's what space combat should look like! 
This is the 21st century, right? Then where the hell is my flying car?

December 10th, 2003, 03:59 PM
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Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion
Why is it that if a concept is used once, everything that comes after it is "stale"? The possiblity of humans creating an artificial intelligence that grows beyond their control is a great starting point for any number of stories. It's how you fill in the story that makes the difference.
With respect to the humanoid Cylons...it appears that they are going to have some sort of problem with "emotions"...Six is already struggling with her feeling for Baltar, and maybe Boomer will have the same problem because of Boxey? Now, I guess it would be hypocrital of me to say that would be stale, wouldn't it?

December 10th, 2003, 04:02 PM
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Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion
Speaking of the combat, a couple things from those of you well familier with the original BG series.
First, the scene where they had to vent the oxygen in the hanger deck to keep from losing the ship. Was that not in the original series, maybe in the original movie. It sure seemed very familier to me. Nice touch if so, borrowing scenes from the original.
Also, the scene in part two where Starbuck locked noses with Appolo's viper and landed on the deck at full speed. That also seemed familier to me. I may be wrong about that one and it may have just been a dramatic scene where someone landed at full speed, but I seem to have a memory of Starbuck pushing Appolo's ship backwards like that. Maybe it was in one of the comic books?
Anyone else remeber those or is it just my mind playing tricks on me?
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December 10th, 2003, 04:04 PM
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Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion
Well, im thinking the only one who could know about 12 models is her...
maybe since she found 'love' she's already in on the human side?
either that or its a subconcious bit of info from our favorite computer hacker 
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December 10th, 2003, 04:59 PM
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Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion
there is one episode where one of the hanger bays catch fire, but I don't remember if they vented it to space or not. i bought the dvd set, but haven't had the time to watch them all yet. When I do watch it, i'll let you know if that's how they did.
As far as locking noses, I don't ever recall seeing that scene in any series or movies before. I thought it was pretty neat, though.

December 10th, 2003, 06:54 PM
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Re: Battlestar Galactica **Spoilers** discussion
Originally posted by geoschmo:
Speaking of the combat, a couple things from those of you well familier with the original BG series.
First, the scene where they had to vent the oxygen in the hanger deck to keep from losing the ship. Was that not in the original series, maybe in the original movie. It sure seemed very familier to me. Nice touch if so, borrowing scenes from the original.
Also, the scene in part two where Starbuck locked noses with Appolo's viper and landed on the deck at full speed. That also seemed familier to me. I may be wrong about that one and it may have just been a dramatic scene where someone landed at full speed, but I seem to have a memory of Starbuck pushing Appolo's ship backwards like that. Maybe it was in one of the comic books?
Anyone else remeber those or is it just my mind playing tricks on me?
There used to be a toy of a Viper that had some sort of booster apparatus strapped to it...maybe that was what you were thinking of?
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