Hm too bad that you don't have them with S&A theme or BK theme

If you replace the 10 gold 9 resources archer with your Cho-ku-no wearers would then the themes be able to use them too ?
They spread imo still a bit too much .
A few suggestions :
Cost 20 gold 20-25 resources .
But strat move 2 , precision 10 , weaponprecision -2 , range 25-30 .
My reasoning :
The tien chi base archer costs 10 gold 9 resources and has a composite bow with 12 damage , + 1 precision , range 35 .
So you can afford almost 2 base archers for 1 Cho-ku-no .
Then with 2 archers you have overall far better firepower than with 1 Cho-ku-no man because the range is farer and precesion is 11 .
Both the tien chi base archer and your Cho-ku-no man have the same other stats + a short sword .
Atm the base archer has strat move 2 though so he is overall more useful than the Cho-ku-no
Your idea with the Cho-ku-no "archers" is perfect for tien chi . Very stylish