Thank you for your compliments on the 0.2.1 but I can't take all the credit. GandalfTheWhite, Deadzone and Ayvar also made a great effort on that revision.
As for the isn't going to be as current copy is somewhat far away from 0.3.0-pre2 that is available. New comp type, new enemy appearances including some civilian traffic, convoys, etc. I hope to get a full "bug-free" (read mod starts without crashing the game) revision 0.3.0 out at the beginning of June.
And I think I know the reason what causes your game to crash at 90%. In the Main_Enemies.txt there is a two empty rows somewhere in the file. Starfury thinks that the file ends here even though it doesn't. Delete the extra row and the mod should load without a hitch. Though I'm pretty sure that I fixed this issue in my patch.