This is why I hardly come here anymore. With my old account I was on here pretty much daily but this account is only a year and a few months more old. Atrocities and Fyron between them are being complete dicks to the SE cause.
"complete dicks"
I don't get it? How are we being "complete dicks" to the SE cause?
I'll tell you what, why don't you email Aaron Hall and the guys over at SFI and ask them if they think either Fyron or I are being "complete dicks" to the SE cause. While your waiting on their response I would like to take it one step further and politely ask you what you have contributed to the SE cause in the last six years? I want you to understand that I am not being rude or sarcastic here, I am simply asking a polite question of you.
Lets look at what Fyron has done. At his own expense he not only devleoped SE.net, but pays the hosting cost for it. A site that mind you is the second most popular after these very forums here. Fyron is the author of several highly popular mods and is considered to be one of the pillars of the SE community and is in the SE V Beta.
As for myself, well I have generated over 50 ship sets, been involved in two beta tests for Aarons games, including SE V, and with much help from members here and at SE.net produced a Captain Kwok inspired Star Trek Mod. I again humbly ask you what have you done?
I can tell you one thing that you have done, you have come here with a new identity, without tell us who you used to be, and called two people "complete dicks" with no justification or evidence to back up your insult.
Therefore I submit to you that you don't know what in blue hell your talking about and I find that rather disconcerning given the vicious nature of your comments. I garentee you that no one here will take anything you have to say seriously again if all you do is insult people like Fyron and myself.
So please take a moment and consider what your about to say before you post it. Chances are you will find more people receptive to those who don't go around calling poeple "complete dicks."
And for the record, I am not a dick, I am an upper case dick who loves the SE franchise and will support Aaron and his games long after you have once again forgotten your password to this site.