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Old November 12th, 2006, 08:28 PM
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Default Re: SE5 gets some... \"recognition\"

Atrocities has probably just had a short day; especially since this is out of character for him.
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Old November 12th, 2006, 08:28 PM
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Default Re: SE5 gets some... \"recognition\"

I was out of line with my previous post. I had not right to attack his opinion. I have removed the post and offer an apology. My hostility was a gut knee jerk response and not one that I am proud of.

DingBat said:

Er, wow. Such hostility. Nice.

I suppose it's not that surprising that a guy with 13k posts on a forum is going to be a fanboi, but you might want to consider toning it down, just a tad.

I've purchased plenty of games lately that have worked quite well out of the box. I write software for a living and have actually witnessed releases that are virtually defect free. You clearly have no experience in this area. But that's not the point.

But, here are a couple of interesting points:

1. What does the record of other developers who release shoddy games have to do with MM? Why do you even compare them?

2. Why do you feel compelled to defend MM in the first place? How would you have suffered if the release of SEV had been postponed until it was more stable? Your supposition that releasing it early has been a good thing because it flushes out bug reports is truly bizarre. What are beta testers for?

3. I've seen many product releases in my day. Releasing a product too soon, in an unstable condition, is almost never a good idea. It's hard to measure the impact on customers, which is why a lot of companies do it, but it does affect future sales and it is difficult to fix.

4. You seem to feel that pointing out these things is akin to an attack on the game and the developer. Not true. People don't raise issues with games they don't care about. They raise issues with games they want to play. SEV is that game, but right now, it's broken for me. Again, I'm not exactly sure why you've appointed yourself defender of the faith here. I'm sure the developer is a big boy and can defend himself.

5. Your comments on "dilibrate" ignorance and a kick ban policy are truly stunning. How old are you?

Look, there's a simple way never to have to hear anything negative about a game you like:

a. Encourage the developer to release the game in good condition.
b. Don't read game forums.

Otherwise, you're out of luck. Who's being clueless now. Perhaps you can kick ban yourself.

Have a nice day.
I am going to stand by my comment that I believe that you never bought the game. And I don't want to be baited into a debate over our differing points of view.

However you do ask some good questions and do promote one to think a bit, never the less, I have already acted rudely enough for one day and don't want to repeat that behavior. So while your questions are valid, I don't want to address them today. Again I was out of line with my post and do apologize for my rudeness.
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Old November 12th, 2006, 08:53 PM

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Default Re: SE5 gets some... \"recognition\"

I don't really enjoy being called a thief, but I agree we should both step back a bit. If you're interested, I've attached a screen shot of my steam console.

But I do accept your apology.
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Old November 12th, 2006, 09:06 PM
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Default Re: SE5 gets some... \"recognition\"

Well there go, making a jerk out of me in classic style. It was not my intention to make you think I was calling you a thief. I have just become very warry of people who post comments about the game. A significant number of them have only played the beta or haven't played the game at all and I am sorry to say that I wrongfully grouped you with them.

Like I said, your comments were valid and I had no reason to spout off like I did. I am the jerk here not you. Please accept my sincere apology. If you don't I will understand.
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Old November 12th, 2006, 11:57 PM
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Default Re: SE5 gets some... \"recognition\"

We'll set up the spanking machine for Atrocities later.

We're all a bit miffed and puzzled as to why SE:V was released in the condition that it was. But, on the upside, several patches later, many things have been fixed.
Old November 13th, 2006, 12:29 AM
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Default Re: SE5 gets some... \"recognition\"

I have a question I would like to ask, but before I do I want to make it known that I haven't bought the game yet because it hasn't arrived at any stores where I live and I will not buy it using steam and I already have Starfury so I won't be buying it from Strategy First.

I have read a lot of people trying to justify SEV being released in an unfinished state by saying that SEIV was released in a similar state (at least that's my take on it). My question is if both games were released with a lot of bugs then why did SEIV generally produce higher review ratings than what SEV did? Example Gamespot gave SEIV an 81 and only gave SEV a 66. I think there might be something wrong with SEV that goes beyond the bugs and bad UI, I could be wrong and people are less tolerant of bugs than they were 6 years ago.

I will eventually purchase the game when it reaches the stores in my area knowing that there are a lot of dedicated and talented people creating mods and fixes for this game.
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Old November 13th, 2006, 12:43 AM
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Default Re: SE5 gets some... \"recognition\"

I suggest getting it from ebGames. It comes with SE4 free, which did me no good since I already have SE4, and StarFury, and SE3, and SE2� Ah poop! I play this game WAY to much. At least they dropped it off at my door which was better than running out to the store. As for the differences in reviews I haven�t seen the article for SE4 you mention but some to things to consider are:
1. SE4 was not mass marketed to the shelves so it drew less fire at release time.
2. Since it drew less fire the review you mention may not have been written until after several patches had been released.
3. SE4 did not have to contend with 3D, it is 2D.
4. SE4 was not �real time� combat, it was turn based.
5. To me SE4 was more of an evolution of SE3. SE5 is more like a new game, especially when you get under the hood and start trying to mod this beast!

Just food for thought. As I remember it when SE4 came out I couldn�t even get it to run. I had to email Aaron with my system specs for help.

Edited in: Double POOP! I just found my copy of SE1! What kind of a sick-o am I?
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Old November 13th, 2006, 12:45 AM

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Default Re: SE5 gets some... \"recognition\"

Make sure you weren't reading a review of SE4 Gold, for one.

For two, SE4 was just as buggy/weird, but its bugs were a bit different. Less crashing, more game-breaking: ground combat continuing after a victory, dumb AI, losing value when looking at the Empire Report screen, stuff like that.

SE5 shouldn't have been released when it was, but I'm still happy I got my hands on it then.

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Old November 13th, 2006, 01:23 AM
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Default Re: SE5 gets some... \"recognition\"

Demorve said:
I have read a lot of people trying to justify SEV being released in an unfinished state by saying that SEIV was released in a similar state...

It wasn't justification, so much as just saying that MM has a history of releasing early. It was annoying then, annoying now.
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Old November 13th, 2006, 02:48 AM
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Default Re: SE5 gets some... \"recognition\"

Someone should have asked Aaron why he chose to allow SFI to release the game early knowing that this would be the response. Hell I would enjoy knowning why the game was released in the state that it was released in. I think we would all be a bit less disenfranchised if we knew the reason behind the decision. But then again its really none of our business. But still it would be nice to know.
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