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Old December 19th, 2006, 06:19 PM
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Default Re: StarFire TC

Ok that would make sense and I did mention they must have been talking about something else in my last post. Anyway I was asking about the max values and since I hadn’t looked at the setting prior to reading that post…. Hence I didn’t recognize it was smaller before posting.

I did get to try out 264x264 before I had to leave. When the system appeared it was 26x20 again. Is there another place that this needs to be adjusted? I am trying for a 264x264 system grid.
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Old December 19th, 2006, 06:25 PM

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Default Re: StarFire TC

Read the post again, because it does mention that. You need to edit System Radius from Center as well. In your case set it to

410 (the base value) * 13.2 (264/20- the amount your new map is larger than the base) = 5412.

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Old December 19th, 2006, 07:20 PM
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Default Re: StarFire TC

That's huge...talk about having to have good sensors...and robust engines...I wonder how much processing that is going to eat up, and how the orbits will be affected?
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Old December 19th, 2006, 07:57 PM
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Default Re: StarFire TC

That’s why I am going to use my computer as a guinea pig. It is an older one and should show any problems the newer high end systems usually don’t have. 264x264 is the base size and I will adjust down from there.

Sensor range will be compensated for later, the values I have assigned now are just place holders based on the current size of systems. As for how long it takes I don’t know, cannon is not based on size of system it is based on accumulated points. This should be quicker than cannon though. I know it may have been some time since you played but remember systems were surveyed by survey fleets with as many as 60 ships. And that isn’t even taking the survey fleets escorts into account!
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Old December 19th, 2006, 08:04 PM

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Default Re: StarFire TC

PES, I'm thinking that the sheer size is going to make it unplayable, just from the scroll you'd have to do to see all the system.

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Old December 19th, 2006, 09:02 PM
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Default Re: StarFire TC

Certainly a different form of SEV...
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Old December 19th, 2006, 09:13 PM
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Default Re: StarFire TC

@ P-D: Thanks for the input; I already thought of that too. Like I said before I will start there and adjust downward till I find a happy medium.

@ Kana: Well I did say in the opening post this wasn’t another mod. It is a true TC = Total Conversion!
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Old December 19th, 2006, 09:25 PM

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Default Re: StarFire TC

I tried to do a conversion back in the days of SE 4 that was based off the Starfire books (not necessarily the game) It was called Derek's Mod (alternately Dave's Mod)

Are you going to try and model things like the bug shuttles as ships larger than fighters, can warp, but can also be carried by carrier type ships, as well as other things like external mount missiles, and some other neat things?

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Old December 20th, 2006, 12:58 AM
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Default Re: StarFire TC

Everything is already in the components. The only items not working right now are EDM’s which I had to convert to ED Field Generators. Those will work once a bug in how bonuses are applied is corrected. You are referring to gunboats and I left them out. I could include them at a later time and only left them out because when I started playing the gunboat did not exist. When it was introduced it created a huge imbalance in the game and I wound up tossing them out of the rules. I think they have been fixed but have not used them. A lot of the missile types were left out since SE5 uses abstract ammo. I could have created them as a type of drone and made non-sprint missile launchers fire them. If you tried this mod in SE4 you already know what is wrong with that approach; A LOT! If there are other things you would like to know about in specific feel free to ask. For example the Interstellar Command Center is out, the Courier Drone, both the half sized engines, and a few others.

Oh yes External Ordinance Weapons are in, tested, and they work better than I ever hoped for! As is the X-Ray Laser used by the Thebians, Pinnace, and SBMHAWK both of which are warp capable. Many of the Datalink systems are out as they just couldn’t be modeled enough to make it worth while. If during testing or after release players table ideas to how items left out could be included I would certainly be willing to add them. Also I intend to do house rules even for solo or MP games upon request if provided all the necessary stats.

I wish I had known you were working on this mod for SE4. I had an entire thread dedicated to the project here and eventually it wound up dying. Too many items were lost due to SE4 restrictions and I felt the spirit of the game had been lost with them. I also had one or two hard core SF fans who kept insisting things had to be “this way” (as in by the book) or not at all. One last item not working are the four versions of LT. I built them in but need another patch and then they will work as in canon.

Edited in: Do we know each other from the Rigelian Diaries with Steve?
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Old December 20th, 2006, 05:52 AM
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Default Re: StarFire TC

Kana said:
I wonder how much processing that is going to eat up, and how the orbits will be affected?

When I was testing it, I couldn't make systems 4 or 5 times the stock size without getting the frame rates to drop below 1 FPS. 3x size was strenuous too. I found that for my machine, 2.5x size increase was optimal.
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