llamabeast and Xietor, thanks a lot for your replies!
Sorry I took so long to reply back. After a few weeks of no responses I figured no-one was reading the DAR. Also wasn't sure how good of a read it was, as my 'style' of writing perhaps tends to be a bit bland.
@ llamabeast, Yeah, I like the wraparound maps because then you can't just hide yourself in a corner. Although on this map it was pretty easy to set up choke points. Perhaps some luck was involved in Arco's (my) starting position with that nice little peninsula to the south with only one province to guard.
Yes, Ulm did border me to the north and south although they have been DESTROYED (evil laugh). They had TONS and TONS of fodder-type troops (woodsmen, slingers, archers etc.) which they threw for numerous turns onto the choke province which I had guarded quite heavily with solid troops.
I do have a little Evo research done now, enough for Blade Wind (giggle). I cast Troll King Court a couple times so now have two casters capable of casting the spell numerous times in battle. I also did use some mystics casting those Evo spells you mentioned, but I had such a superiority in troop quality that they weren't really needed so largely I left the casters at home doing research.
@ Xietor, yeah if I get the time playing MP is no doubt where Dom3 REALLY shines. Still, beating on the AI and even just fighting the independents and planning the next moves and stuff is still pretty damn interesting. And, you know, watching the peasants get slaughtered in battle is fun. (Love playing Mictlan.

Yeah normally I might go the Thaum route for those spells with Arco or Pythium but with the MASSIVE army sizes you seem to get in Dom3 I figured the ALTERATION route for the battlefield-wide spells (mass Luck, mass Curse, etc.) would be more effective.
Thanks again for your replies guys! Hm, I'm gonna have to update the DAR again.