Nation: MA Ctis
Buying: Air Gems and/or Dwarven hammer
Price: 15 gold per air gem or even trade(have fire, nature, death)
Price Dwarven Hammer: Negotiable(i do not have earth gems, but I can make 9 research death skulls, ring regenerstion, amulet resilience and basically any level 4 const item that uses death, water, or nature.
Start: turn 18
Deal 1=6 nature for 6 air-LA Tien Chi-6 nature sent- 7 air received. deal complete.
Deal 2=5 water for 5 air- LA R'lyeh -5 water sent, 5 air received. deal complete.
Deal 3= MA Pythium 4 air received-60 gold sent. deal complete
Deal 4= MA jotunheim 2 skull mentors for 20 air gems. 2 skull mentors sent. 20 air received. deal complete.
