Hello everyone.
First up, I'd like to apologise to all the players in this game for my sudden disappearance last October. The short version of a very long story is that I went to Greece due to work, and while there I unfortunately ended up in a rather nasty RTA (Road Traffic Accident) on day one. Beat that for a poor start!!! This was then the cue for me to spend one month in a Greek hospital for myself

, and a further two months at the hospital looking after a close relative who was involved in the same accident. Credit where credit's due. This episode did a bang up job of turning my life on it's head

Thankfully everything turned out more or less ok in the end, but it certainly took ages for things to return to anything resembling normal.
Anyway, enough of all that (since I've certainly had enough of it the past six months) and back to the business at hand, which is for me to say sorry once again. This time I'm sorry for depriving you all of what was shaping up to be a really great game. I haven't had chance to go through all the game thread yet, so not sure how the game panned out, but I'm guessing that the 'Big Bad' dropping out must have brought about a fairly disappointing change to the games growing flavour. No idea how this game would've developed had I not encountered a real life "Doom Truck" (tramping+fear effects) but the fun as always would have been in finding out

Although it's difficult to imagine how 'Lord Of The Rings' would have been as good if Sauron had simply disappeared when things were getting interesting at the start of the 'Two Towers' book , with the rest of the story revolving around how the Elves and Man shook handbags at each other, while the Hobbits talked about what makes a good breakfast

You just can't beat a good old classic 'everyone unite against the big evil bad guy' story

And who knows, one day the bad guy might actually win
Finally, I'd just like to thank everyone who played in this game, with an extra thanks to AreaOfEffect for organising the whole thing and coming up with the map. Also thanks to Llamabeast of course for his excellent server. I hope to, and am looking forward to, playing in games with you all again soon now that I'm back. I should be around for a good long while as well, so no need to fear me dropping out of future games. Since I certainly had no intention of leaving in the first place. I can safely say that MP Dominions is the first time I've enjoyed computer gaming since the heydays of the late 80's/early 90's. Though I do of course reserve the right to disappear again in the future should I have another encounter with a truck-driving colour-blind Albanian. But that's just common sense isn't it