Originally Posted by Swan
I need to know some things about assasins:
a)other than piercer, there are other ranged armor piercing weapons?
b)i want to do a kamaikaza assasin(in sp), so im going for B9 bless,charged armor, double "explosion on death" misc(the fire one,cant remenber name) and holy avenger. 
can i put put some other items that do kaboom when my commander die? and what spell/item make him immortal(other than bottle of life)?
c) how is assasination order calculated?for example if i order my assasin to attack one commander and my opponent do the same?
a) Piercer is actually armor negating, not armor piercing. Vision's Foe is also AN. All X-bows and Arbalests (including non-magic ones, with the exception of the above two) are armor piercing, so that includes the Banefire Xbow and the Just-Man's Cross.
b) Not sure that 2 medallions of vengeance will provide double explosions...have you tried it?
As far as other similar effects, try the spells Phoenix Pyre and...what is it? Inner Sun? One that provides fire damage vs. undead upon death.
RE: "limited immortality", there's also the Crystal Heart, with the downside that it causes a chest wound...You might also consider (if the assassin has any death magic) the spell Twiceborn to return as a Wight Mage. You could also look at Ritual of Returning, but that doesn't seem to be what you're after.
You might also consider items that cause additional attacks/damage/spells that don't necessarily require the death of the assassin, such as a Spirit Helms, Astral Serpents, Stone Birds, Eye Shields, etc. I assume you're doing this in SP, so efficiency is less of a concern...
c) someone else can step in w/the algorithm :-)