I noticed in D/L the CBM 1.51 Mod that when placed in the Mod section of the game that it has a SEPERATE Worthy Heroes 1.51.
I read the description and it said it included ALL of previous fixes but it seems Worthy Heroes 1.51 would be a NEW fix.
A question you might want to find out...
Does 1.51 include Worthy Herows 1,51 or is it staying with the older version and we have to physically (if we even want it)enable 1.51.
2. The Glory of the gods SP game does not have Preset starting locations from what I have seen, which means 1 person may be in the middle of all swamp while another player may have a starting location with 2 neighbors right next to him and they will either want a restart or go AI quickly.
I know nothing about Edi's map but will look at it.
There is a game called Darkheavens going now that took 24 players with preset starting positions, it has around 250 to 275 Provinces. It is a really good map and plays well with a lot of players. (LOL, btw the map is also called DarkHeavens)
Do we really want a map that has 400 or more starting provinces?
It will be a while before any contact is made and will already be doing quite a bit of Micro Managing even BEFORE we start scrpting battles. And you will be asking a LONG (maybe 6 month) commitment.
Just a thought...as you asked for suggestions, I will play what ever you want, with what ever map and mods you want (as I know I will get one of the 'Good' starting positions
