Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
I'll agree, the Lord of Nurgle *looks* like he has a lot going on. But have you tried to *use* him? Even the khornate lord outperforms against weak PD.
Using a unit's performance against PD 'naked', perhaps isn't the best measuring stick on performance. The nurgle guy has poison cloud, that alone gives him a niche against armies of few elite units.
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
(The exalted sorceror is probably overpriced at present as well, since for 320g you're expecting quite a bit more magical oomph - compare to Shinuyama's bakemono sorceror).
I lowered his gold cost to 275 gold in the latest fix.
As for your insightful posts, I just really want to get the game started. If you feel like only the Tzeentecth guys are usable, just use them then. I don't have time and/or patience to give the lords and champions extensive magic pick and cost revamps and to test them. Chaos is pretty powerful enough as it stands, with its diverse magic, insane pretender chassis, good summons, strong troops and national late-game SC summons. You have some 'dead choices', which is a shame, but we really need to move along here. In hidsight, I should have taken a better look at chaos before starting this game, but what is done is done.
As for your unit comparisons, I find them quite insightful. You are forgetting one thing thought. Context. A lot power of the chassis/unit comes from the other choices you have in the nation. Example: BK would be a lot more powerful chassis in MA Ulm, since ulm has a *lot* better ability to forge gear for it.
Also remember that a nation that would have chassises which are somewhat equal to BK, Dai Oni and Fomorian King (respectively) would be serious candidate for overpowerdness. These units are absolute stars and selling points of their respective nations. You can't just compile an "all-stars" team of SC chassises and expect it to be balanced. There needs to be "diversity cost" added to each of them, where you pay for the options you have. Being diverse and having a lot of good options is also a national strenght, just like being able to bloosac, getting extra points due to temp scales and so forth.
Don't take this wrong, some of the Champions and Lords could probably use a boost, but you should also think of the context when estimating prices. IMHO, you probably should list your thoughts and comaprisons to the Chaos thread, I'm sure that he will find them insightful.