We've touched on this already, enough people hear have given their heart felt words of encouragement and support and as you know I echo those sediments as well, all you have to do now is listen (That goes for Andy too!) "if it ain't broke don't fix it" leave it alone do what I know you like doing with the game and leave the rest alone. I'd rather not see a release until 2016/2017 or never if it risks your well being and those around you-I have a co-worker who suffered your last about three years ago. He's fine now, but, you know what I do for a living and it makes me pause everytime I see him have another pint (or 2 or 3.) of a "monster" type drink on post, besides the fact they're the wrong pints in the first place!?!

Please take the same advice I've readily (somewhat) accepted from you out here in the forum. But in the meantime...
What you guys have to look forward to when you get back...
1. The Russians aren't going to field anything major for 2 or 3 years.
2. I'll get the Austrian MOD to fix their OOB.
3. I'll have just a couple of inputs by then (

). And I'll take requests again as well as that worked out in the past (And I seriously thank them for those, as they all got in-and you too for getting them there.)
4. Everyone else will have their inputs as well+++.
5. Andy will still have Z-fire issues and similar to deal with.
6. You'll both have plenty of time to figure out where all those new units will be put. May I just suggest that maybe the UAE's time has come as many of the member states already have their own OOB's. I wouldn't even try to keep up with that OOB as the Mideast is already a VERY busy place, that I now have my own separate list for.
7. And finally to drive the point home on work related issues, because for some of us it sometimes requires
work and discipline - we have birthdays, anniversaries, get togethers with friends and families, hobbies, travels now and in the future, health and fitness, we have
Life to
Live and
You reminded me of that if you again remember here, now I'm paying it forward.
Get Well!! I'll send you all the pictures you like for your relaxation!?!
I have a question concerning MRAPs, if they...on second thought that's how I started out here and
we don't want to go back there again now do we!?!