The game is finished! Kietsensei of EA Oceania has been declared the winner!
Hi everyone!
I'm quite a new player of dom 3, but I'm really liking it and now it's the time to host my first game
Now, this won't be a normal game; I want to employ many gameplay-changing mods and see how they work with each other.
The mods I'm planning to include are:
CBM(We all know this one)
CPCS (More early and mid game multipath spells)
Holy War (Gives a lot more holy spells/units/sites, changes the role of priests by quite a lot)
More Magic Sites(Adds around 150 magic sites to the game)
Llamabeast's Streamers & Standards(Just for the eye candy)
The game information:
Early Age
Land of Legends
Players: 12
-Amonchakad: Arcoscephale
-Lavaere: Fomoria
-Strabo: Ermor
-Aethyr: Helheim
-Gregstrom: Lanka
-Pelthin: Yomi
-Anthropos: T'ien Ch'i
-shard: Sauromatia
-Llamabeast: Tir Na N'og
-Dragar: Abysia
-Burnsaber: Agartha
-Kietsensei: Oceania
Settings:Everything to default except
-magicsites 50
-HoF 15
Turns:24h for the first 20, then 48h. We can go to 72 hours if requested.
Now,because of the high number of balance-changing mods, this won't be a normal game: what I'd really hope we're going to do is giving a lot of feedback on the mods' balance.
I suggest you read the changes made from the various mods.
If, while playing, you find something that you think is overpowered, useless or just unbalanced, post it in the game thread.
Also,if we all agree that something is really ruining the game's fairness, we will change it on the fly(as far as i get it,mods CAN be changed mid-game).
Soo...I think that's pretty much everything; if I forgot something, just tell me, as I said it's my first time^^
Let's see if there is enough interest for an odd game