I started a thread when I attempted the SE4 version of this. That project died out mostly because I could not get SE4 to model the StarFire universe well enough. Another challenge was my own goal. I was determined not to make this into a TC and was cutting some major corners. Well, now we have SE5 and I have the ability and with help here the skills are coming. I have also given up on this being just a mod and will work on it to finish. So it will have to be a TC as nothing from stock is working right or in balance. I know at least one person who has dropped me a few questions and the offer to help test it when I get to that point. These questions though are getting spread around the forum and when I go to hunt each one down I end up with a missing post and frustrated. So I am starting this thread with the hopes <crosses-fingers> I can keep things in a single place.
Progress so far:
Atmosphere Types: Done
Colony Types: Done
Component Enhancements: Done
Components: Done --- awaiting generational components fix from MM
Cultural Achievements: Done
Damage Types: Done
Design Types: Done
Emperor Tittles: Done
Empire Names: Done
Empire Types: Done
Facilities: Done --- may have a bug awaiting MM fix
Government Types: Done
Home World Starting Facilities: Done
Main Strings: Done
Racial Traits: Done
Settings: Working
Shield and Armor Levels: Done
Ship Experience: Done
Society Types: Done
Strategies: Done
System Names: Done
Tech Areas: Done
Vehicle Sizes: Done
Vehicle Unit Types: Done
Warp Transit Types: Done
There’s so many left to work on it’s not even worth mentioning. Heck I still need to create the entire galaxy! There are 13 design name files for ships that need a bit of cleaning up but are otherwise done. Finally there are a few very minor changes to a bmp here or there, to small to warrant being listed individually.
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
Welcome to Super Vegeta’s Big Bang Attack… Welcome to OBLIVION!
“Don Panoz made an awesome car and… an incinerator” Bill Auberlen