Another feature request (understand it just may not be possible, but throwing it out).
From within the game and it seems from with in ScenHack we have the following data points:
29 chars in Scenario Location Name in ScenHack in the Scenario Data dialog box
32 chars in the Scenario Name in both ScenHack and the Editor in game
32 chars in the Scenario title name in both ScenHack and the Editor in game
Here are some screen shots:
ScenHack (29 chars):
When saving a scenario (32 chars):
In the map editor (29 chars):
From within the editor (29 chars and 30 chars from two different spots):
So my first request or question is could we get more than 29/32 chars? 40, I don't know (what I am doing for my scenario creations is using the name of the scenario followed by the month/year, so
Some Scenario Test Title 4/44 for example). Second question is why is it different from one to the other, more I am just curious, and guessing it has something to do with screen size or space.
I think the biggest issue I have is when I use a location that is very, very long (yes I know don't use it) then it won't show up quite correctly.
One scenario as a case in point uses:
Along the Chemery-Bulson Road, France and I understand that I can just omit the 'Along the' part but I have some scenarios where it may (or may not) look cool within the game to see:
Along the road, 7 kilometers SE of El Agheila, Libya and yes I also put this information in the text file as well, hence why I am using this post as enhancement request type of thing.
Anyway thanks for listening.