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Old August 24th, 2021, 04:19 PM
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Post Re: obat26 Afghanistan

From another site:

Whilst it has long being known that ~85 billion dollars of military materials were left behind there has been limited info as to the exact nature. Its should be noted part of that figure is for sustainment of Afghan forces funded through the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund.

This is in part summarized in GAO-17-667R (which has been deleted from the Governments web site); but can be recovered in google cache:


162,643 pieces of communications equipment - inc:
75,256 VHF radios e.g. Datron PRC-1070/1777 and HH7700
66,439 non tactical radios e.g. Motorola GM360, CODAN NGT SRx, AR-8200
13,464 HF radios - e.g. Codan 2110 manpack, Datron RT-7000
5,777 multiband raios - e.g. Harris RF5800M and RF-7850
2,107 ulta and super HF radios e.g. - Harris RF-7800W and Johnson APCO-25

75,898 military vehicles - inc:
42,604 light tactical vehicles -cargo trucks pick ups - Ford Rangers
22,174 Humvees - ambulance, cargo, troop enclosure and gun truck variants
8,998 MTVs - MTV international, 5 ton cargo and general transport trucks
1,005 recovery vehicles - Navistar 7000MV and M1249 wrecker
928 MRAPs - MRAP maxxpro, anbulance and combat variants
189 APCs - M113A2 and M577A2

599,690 Weapons inc:
358,530 rifles - M16, M4, AK47 Dragunov sniper rifle
126,295 pistols - M9 and G19
64,363 machine guns - M249, M240, RPK and NSV(12.7mm)
25,327 grenade launchers - M203 and GP-25/30
12,692 shot guns - M500, M590a1 and M870
9,877 RPG - RPG-7 and SPG-9
2,606 indirect fire weapons - 60mm mortar, 82mm mortar and D-30 122mm howitzers

29,681 EOD
13,265 ECMs - Symphony and Pipper
13,367 mine detectors - VMH3CS and CMD
1,093 combat robots
1,101 EOD suits
496 mine rollers
359x-ray systems - RTR4-L

16,191 pieces of surveillance and reconnaissance equipment
16,035 NODS inc PVS14, PVS7, ANVIS-6 and ANVIS-9
120 radio monitoring systems - wolfhounds
22 ground based towers - Aerostat IDT
8 scan eagles
6 surveillance ballons - Aerostat

208 Aircraft
110 helicopters - inc Mi17, MD-530
60 transport aircraft - C208, C182, C130, T182, G222, AN32
20 Light attack planes - A29
18 intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance planes - PC12
(with full weapons systems and munitions)

UH60 were part of the forward looking program for ANDSF - the number delivered (if any is unclear)
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Old August 26th, 2021, 06:04 PM
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Default Re: obat26 Afghanistan

Just d'like to add data about afganistan air force from 1946 until now and so called The Taliban Air Force 2021 data which I collected so far.

My sources

There is OOb96 which contains airforce aircrafts and lbm's
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Old August 27th, 2021, 10:37 PM

whdonnelly whdonnelly is offline
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Default Re: obat26 Afghanistan

Would like to add that a majority of the larger equipment left with the ANA was beat up and nearing the end of useful service. A possible exception were the A-29s but even they won't last without maintenance.
The same is true for most of the contractor equipment, a lot of it was hand-me-downs. The Embassy had the least worn kit but not much of it.
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Old August 28th, 2021, 07:36 AM
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Default Re: obat26 Afghanistan

Originally Posted by whdonnelly View Post
Would like to add that a majority of the larger equipment left with the ANA was beat up and nearing the end of useful service. A possible exception were the A-29s but even they won't last without maintenance.
Planes are most certainly deadlined soon; but a lot of the smaller stuff (and ground stuff) can be redneck engineered; and this version of the taliban has set up their own Special Forces units:

A.) Badr 313 --- named after the battle of Badr, where Mohammed had 313 men.

B.) Red Unit (Sara Kheta) -- per Wiki:

The Red Unit, which numbered approximately 300 by 2016, reportedly employs commando tactics and is equipped with "advanced weaponry", including night vision equipment, heavy machine guns and M4 carbines.[10][11] Members have been seen during photo ops to be carrying Icom IC-V8 VHF radios.[12] They are known to be especially proficient in night combat, and considered to be better trained and equipped than most Afghan National Army soldiers.[7]

Though generally called the Taliban's special forces[1] or commandos,[3] analysts have argued that the Red Unit was probably not performing traditional special operations missions, but were, instead, being used as shock troops or a rapid deployment force.[2][8][13] Moving on motorcycles, the unit often raids isolated outposts, destroying the local defences, and then retreating before other forces can respond.[7] The Red Unit often spearheads Taliban offensives,[14] as it has proven to be very effective in combat. Nevertheless, its equipment and training are inferior to those of Western special forces

So expect those:

162,000~ pieces of communications equipment
16,000~ pieces of Night Vision Equipment

to be used in expanding Badr 313/Red Unit to larger formation sizes in the short term; and in the long term, being cannibalized for spares -- and they have enough to keep it going for a while.
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Old August 28th, 2021, 08:31 AM

Karagin Karagin is offline
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Default Re: obat26 Afghanistan

Having worked with the Afghani Army I doubt very much if they will still have much of anything left up and running in a month to six months. They could not or would not understand that engines need maintenance.

All the small arms are going to do is allow them to arm more men, but the ammo is not compatible with the majority of what they have. Going to be interesting to see what they cobble together in their village forges to keep the M16s etc...supplied with ammo.
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Old August 29th, 2021, 04:57 AM
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Default Re: obat26 Afghanistan

Russia 'arming the Afghan Taliban', says US ( 2018 )
..... and the convoluted Irony of that is staggering

" the enemy of my enemy is my friend ( even if they used to be my enemy..)

5.56 ammo will not be hard to acquire methinks. It's used worldwide. Keeping the engines maintained is another issue

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old August 29th, 2021, 04:04 PM
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Default Re: obat26 Afghanistan

Some proof about weapons "export" from afganistan after Taliban tekover

Source Northern Aliance
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Old September 7th, 2021, 07:18 PM
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Default Re: obat26 Afghanistan

Update on situation inside Afganistan

Taliban claim final conquer of Panshir Valley. And that is probably true they enter inside valley and fights if still are ongoing probably are on final bastions of resistance in mountains.


Resistance is still fighting but now lost last province

But what is interesting Taliban to have this swift victory use external resources available.
According to this video from Pakistan
  • their Cobra Attack helicopters
  • Their aircraft JF-17 Thunder
  • And Pakistani Commandos forces which were inserted by helicopters inside valley

Resistance show one photo of shot down Pakistani fighter



So such relay on external power openly without hiding it made outrage inside country and internal protest with simple phrase "Pakistani go home" so looks that was a danger move from Taliban side probably they don't care and thinking that such open show who is their ally doesn't meter now when war is nearly over.
looks that ordinary peoples does care and probably negotiation was better option because the may have now many ordinary people against their new government. For me looks like military victory for price of internal political disaster. If that will go this way no more "inclusive" government because people saw that they are only emanation of next external invader.

Brave women's made protest even earlier in 4th of September

And now they join together with angry men because Pakistani involvement
Here from London and then from Herat people shout "Death to Pakistan"

And here most disturbing video women's held on underground parking (Makeshift prison) by Taliban arrested during protests

Last edited by blazejos; September 7th, 2021 at 07:41 PM..
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Old September 26th, 2021, 09:00 AM
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Default Re: obat26 Afghanistan

Final version of additions to Afganistan OOB
That is all what I collected about afgan army

New vehicles and units are after unit 662 with their lbm's representing vehicles in Afgan service

Pictures represents:
Pm29900.lbm to 29915.lbm Afgan armoured vehicles and guns
Pm29916.lbm to 29924.lbm ANA special forces Commandos
Pm29925l.bm to 29969.lbm Airforce
29970 to 29982 various variants of Ford Ranger
29983 to 30001 various variants of HMMWV
30004&30002 BMP-1 afgan service
29800 ANA ford ranger with HMG
29801 Taliban ford ranger with ZSU-23
29802 to 29806 ANA soliders with various guns
29807 to 29824 Taliban fighters with various weapons usually AK with RPG-7
29826 to 29831 Afgan army truck and amphibs

So what we have here armoured vehicles:
-Disston 6t
-Renault M17 FT
-Universal carier
-IP Carrier
-BMP-(Gun) (with zis-3)
-BMP-(ZU) (with ZSU-23)
-Citroen-Kegresse M23
-Lancia 1ZM
-T-34/85 (also covering their use during soviet intervention)

Soviet trucks:
-ZiS 6x6
-ZiL 6x6 (ZU-23)
-ZiL 6x6

American trucks:
-FMTV Truck
-2&1/2 Ton Truck

Amphib vehicles:
-BAV-485 6x6

Utility vehicles:
-UAZ Jeep
-Dodge WC51

- 107mm Type 63 from Chine early 70's

Various armed versions of:
-Ford Ranger

ANA infantery units with varius weapons gear which were sold to Afganistan last 20 years
-Polish wz.96 Beryl
-Canadian C7A1
-USA M16A2
-Russian AK47 & AK74

- 155mm M114 guns
- BTR-80 sold to pro soviet goverment in 1989 and stil in inventory of ANA and american M113A2
Attached Files
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File Type: zip Afganistan.zip (1.43 MB, 312 views)
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Old February 17th, 2022, 10:41 AM
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Exclamation Re: obat26 Afghanistan

Originally Posted by blazejos View Post
Final version of additions to Afghanistan OOB

While I acknowledge the time and effort you put in---- this OOB is not quite useless but it certainly is close

You added units but you did not create formations for them.

How is it you missed that important detail ??? You could not have tested anything you did in the game

An orphaned units check should look like this......
246 - Assault Boat (042 - Assault Boat) - ORPHANED -
249 - Crew (054 - Crew) - ORPHANED -

Searching for units which do not have a container formation at a particular date

246 - Assault Boat (042 - Assault Boat) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/46
249 - Crew (054 - Crew) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/46

**** Run Complete ****
This is what your Afghan OOB looks like when the same check is ran

246 - Assault Boat (042 - Assault Boat) - ORPHANED -this is normal
249 - Crew (054 - Crew) - ORPHANED -this is normal
672 - Disston 6t (102 - Reserve Tank) - ORPHANED -
673 - Renault M17 FT (102 - Reserve Tank) - ORPHANED -
675 - CV-35 (102 - Reserve Tank) - ORPHANED -
687 - ANA Commando (083 - Commandos) - ORPHANED -
688 - ANA Commando (083 - Commandos) - ORPHANED -
689 - ANA Com Scout (088 - Commando Scouts) - ORPHANED -
690 - ANA Com Sniper (147 - Commando Sniper) - ORPHANED -
692 - MaxxPro 4x4 (219 - Light MRV APC) - ORPHANED -
693 - Cougar HEV 4x4 (219 - Light MRV APC) - ORPHANED -
694 - Cougar HEV 4x4 (219 - Light MRV APC) - ORPHANED -
698 - Ford Ranger APC (136 - Improvised APC) - ORPHANED -
699 - Ford Police APC (136 - Improvised APC) - ORPHANED -
700 - Ford Ranger MG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - ORPHANED -
701 - Ford Ranger MG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - ORPHANED -
702 - Ford Ranger MG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - ORPHANED -
703 - Ford Ranger AT (129 - Light SP ATGM) - ORPHANED -
704 - Toyota AAR (128 - Light SPAA Vehicle) - ORPHANED -
705 - Toyota AAG (128 - Light SPAA Vehicle) - ORPHANED -
706 - Ford Ranger MG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - ORPHANED -
709 - HMMWV-MMG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - ORPHANED -
710 - HMMWV-AAG (128 - Light SPAA Vehicle) - ORPHANED -
711 - HMMWV-SPG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - ORPHANED -
712 - HMMWV-MMG-SPG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - ORPHANED -
713 - HMMWV-MMG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - ORPHANED -
716 - HMMWV-Box-APC (136 - Improvised APC) - ORPHANED -
756 - T-34/85 (102 - Reserve Tank) - ORPHANED -
759 - T-34/85 (102 - Reserve Tank) - ORPHANED -
761 - T-34/85 (102 - Reserve Tank) - ORPHANED -
765 - ZiL 6x6 (ZU-23) (181 - AA Truck) - ORPHANED -
773 - BAV-485 6x6 (033 - Light Amphibian) - ORPHANED -
774 - K-61 (033 - Light Amphibian) - ORPHANED -

Searching for units which do not have a container formation at a particular date

246 - Assault Boat (042 - Assault Boat) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/46.... this is normal
249 - Crew (054 - Crew) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/46
.... this is normal
665 - SU-76M (021 - SP Artillery) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/52
668 - Universal (025 - APC (Track)) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/47
672 - Disston 6t (102 - Reserve Tank) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/56
673 - Renault M17 FT (102 - Reserve Tank) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/60
674 - SU-76M (021 - SP Artillery) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/76
675 - CV-35 (102 - Reserve Tank) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/51
687 - ANA Commando (083 - Commandos) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/108
688 - ANA Commando (083 - Commandos) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/108
689 - ANA Com Scout (088 - Commando Scouts) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/108
690 - ANA Com Sniper (147 - Commando Sniper) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/108
692 - MaxxPro 4x4 (219 - Light MRV APC) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/115
693 - Cougar HEV 4x4 (219 - Light MRV APC) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/112
694 - Cougar HEV 4x4 (219 - Light MRV APC) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/112
698 - Ford Ranger APC (136 - Improvised APC) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/110
699 - Ford Police APC (136 - Improvised APC) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/110
700 - Ford Ranger MG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/110
701 - Ford Ranger MG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/110
702 - Ford Ranger MG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/110
703 - Ford Ranger AT (129 - Light SP ATGM) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/110
704 - Toyota AAR (128 - Light SPAA Vehicle) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/92
705 - Toyota AAG (128 - Light SPAA Vehicle) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/92
706 - Ford Ranger MG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/110
709 - HMMWV-MMG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/112
710 - HMMWV-AAG (128 - Light SPAA Vehicle) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/115
711 - HMMWV-SPG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/115
712 - HMMWV-MMG-SPG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/117
713 - HMMWV-MMG (126 - Gun APC (Wheeled)) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/115
716 - HMMWV-Box-APC (136 - Improvised APC) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/112
756 - T-34/85 (102 - Reserve Tank) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/74
759 - T-34/85 (102 - Reserve Tank) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/78
761 - T-34/85 (102 - Reserve Tank) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/88
765 - ZiL 6x6 (ZU-23) (181 - AA Truck) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/80
773 - BAV-485 6x6 (033 - Light Amphibian) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/55
774 - K-61 (033 - Light Amphibian) - has no corresponding formation at - 1/55

**** Run Complete ****

If you want what you have done considered further for the next update then you need to give those Orphaned units a home in properly named formations that do not have gaps that will pass all the MOBHack database checks and when it does I will take another look at it.

Also, my advice to you in regards to PIC / LBM's is the same as my suggestion to Michal.... IN THE FUTURE either spend some extra time to do them better or just supply the original photos or a list of links to them. ( and we do not need "unique" Afgan unit photos unless it is troops )

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?


Last edited by DRG; February 17th, 2022 at 10:50 AM..
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