
August 27th, 2004, 11:21 AM
Re: equipment configurations for supercombatants (
Boron said:
hm doesn't poison resistence negate this anyway ?
Ooops I forgot about the Manticore, but some SC do not have poison resistance : think of Dragon, Cyclops, Devils etc...
A Red Dragon has only 11 def for exemple, so a puny werewolf with an astral serpent could perfectly make 3 hits in the first round, making 6 base damage... + 90 poison damage in the next 10 rounds (of course, the werewolf will probably not survive long, but he could kill a god !). Okay, I know, regeneration and poison protection is quite common for SC, but still, I had never realized how useful this item could be... in a given situation.

August 27th, 2004, 11:51 AM
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Re: equipment configurations for supercombatants (
Sunray_be said:
Does an Astral Serpent really strike one more time for *every* other attack ?
No. It strikes once a turn, or twice if the unit has quickness.

August 19th, 2004, 07:01 AM
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Re: equipment configurations for supercombatants (SCs)
[general]nice new forum  bad that i lost my old email & login though 
[on topic]
endgame favourite sc's configs are usually some kind of blood mage for me with atleast 1 bloodmagic and 2 fire magic.
equipped with hydra armor(10N), boots of reinvigoration(5N) 4 reinv, heart of life(20B)10 reinv, amulet of resilience(10N)5 reinv, scultuva vsomething(?A?E), demon whip(5F5B)
first spell is phoenix pyre then blood vengeance if you have researched blood 9 and has bloodslaves on itbut it isn't necessary.
then watch it defeat every army sent against it until it has so many afflictions it can't move almost. 

August 26th, 2004, 10:04 PM
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Re: equipment configurations for supercombatants (SCs)
Hmm.. would this work:
A3 mage equipped with a Staff of Storms, Ring of Tamed Lightning, and Sandals of the Crane, and have it cast Wrathful Skies while it skips across the battlefield avoiding enemies?
never tried the Sandals, but by their description, it sounds like it would be the ideal use with Wrathful Skies (since the point is to keep the battle going until the enemy is rooted or death)

August 26th, 2004, 11:28 PM
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Re: equipment configurations for supercombatants (SCs)
Lex said:
Hmm.. would this work:
A3 mage equipped with a Staff of Storms, Ring of Tamed Lightning, and Sandals of the Crane, and have it cast Wrathful Skies while it skips across the battlefield avoiding enemies?
never tried the Sandals, but by their description, it sounds like it would be the ideal use with Wrathful Skies (since the point is to keep the battle going until the enemy is rooted or death)
Well, you'd obviously want to cast storm as well, and then sooner or later he'll teleport right into the middle of the enemies, so he has to be able to take at least one round of hits. It's a risky strategy but could work.

August 27th, 2004, 02:15 AM
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Re: equipment configurations for supercombatants (SCs)
but he doesnt need to cast storm bec he said the guy would have a staff of storms equipped
im curious how good lex's idea would play out in a battle
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