Ed Kolis said:
Hey, check out MM's website - looks like Aaron and David wanted to wish us Happy New Year as well!
You are referring to this:
A very nice pic with more updated ships than any image published yet. I recognize the Terran design style/theme from Starfury on one of those ships, so I bet that SE V will use the Starfury Terran style instead of the SE IV Terran style. And there's an unmistakable Drushocka craft there, as well. We already have seen the Jraenar, Cue Kappa, and Amon Krie ships. I can't easily recognize any of the others but I presume each ship represents a unique race/species design. I hope the XiChung make it into SE V as I like their ships. Very thematically 'right' for organic tech and also sort of creepy.