
February 3rd, 2005, 05:54 PM
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Re: Q on experience
Alneyan THANKS!
I *love* working links!


February 3rd, 2005, 05:53 PM
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Re: Q on experience
Well from what you folks write I guess I have to put more emphasis on training facilities.
I thought only one trining facility per system is effective??
Talisman is out since my race is not religious.
oh, and: I switched from fast combat to slow via options and really it weren't my weak old eyes - my ships really shot only into the vacuum while my enemy ... well usually gets a scary 100% hit to fire ratio (yes, without a talisman)

February 5th, 2005, 03:09 AM
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Re: Q on experience
Without the talisman, the maximum chance to hit is 99%. There is also a minimum of 1% chance to hit.

February 3rd, 2005, 05:55 PM
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Re: Q on experience
Sounds like it is simply training and possibly also Culture and Racial Aptitude. If you are playing against a non-psychic AI then it is probably Cultural and Racial, since the AI only trains its ships and fleets by accident.
TDM Mod Pack makes the AI more likely to max Cultural and Racial mods out the way human players of the unmodded game do.
Yes Neural Nets require an experienced (or trained) ship. It's also a unique (from ruins) tech area.

February 3rd, 2005, 05:58 PM
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Re: Q on experience
Are experienced ships still more effective than unexperienced within a fleet which has -say- 0% experience?

February 3rd, 2005, 06:05 PM
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Re: Q on experience
Facilities are one per planet, so putting several facilities on the same planet will not help, but putting them on moons will work. System-wide training (the Psychic facilities) are one per system, but they stack with regular facilities.
Ship and fleet experience are unrelated, so you do not need to have any fleet experience at all to benefit from having a 50% experienced vessel. They are rather training at two different levels: tactical level and strategical level, the latter being far easier to achieve in SEIV.

February 3rd, 2005, 06:17 PM
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Re: Q on experience
Hey thanks Alneyan!
I'll put that knowledge to good use.


February 5th, 2005, 02:19 AM
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Re: Q on experience
I know the extra % for offense/defense is to give you a better chance of hitting or dodging.
For example, if you had 50% to-hit, then flipping a coin would sorta determine whether you hit the enemy or not. So I guess in tja's case, tja might just had that bad no-hit streak.
But what happens if you had 100% to-hit without the Talisman (is this possible, by the way?)? Would this mean that you would always hit/dodge?
Any comments?
PS. Has anyone also noticed that sometimes when you're using direct fire weapons if you aim at a certain spot on enemy ships (different spots for different species) you can get a higher chance of hitting the ship (this is also done by firing a couple weapons at a time and not the whole weapon bank.)
Carter: Inertial dampeners.
O'Neill: Cool... and check. Phasers?
Carter: Sorry, Sir.

February 9th, 2005, 04:38 PM
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Re: Q on experience
If you're looking for Cultural spacecombat modifiers... drop me a line. Send me an email with "Cultures and Demeanors Mod" in the subject, and I'll send you the Cultures and Demeanors Mod rightaway. It's comprised of over 30 new cultures and modified stock cultures, about triple the amount of Demeanors, and new emperor titles. It also has a modified version of Settings, with 255 max systems, 50% standard maint cost, and higher max/lower min limits for racial selection.
Be warned, tho; I didn't make my cultures to be balanced!
For example: Pacifists have very happy populations and SY/repair/maint bonuses and research bonuses, but -80 SC AND GC. Genocidal Megalomaniacs have -200 trade, but +80% SC and GC. So be warned; a Genocidal Megalomaniac destroyer could take out a Pacifist battlecruiser! As I said, I was not aiming for balance...
Some of the new Demeanors include: Slow to Anger, Slow to Forget, Transcendent, Hunters, Welcomes other Races and so on.
If you want it, just drop me a line (as stated above).
O'Neill: I have something I want to confess you. The name's not Kirk. It's Skywalker. Luke Skywalker.
-Stargate SG1

February 9th, 2005, 05:00 PM
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Re: Q on experience
Why not just post the mod so that all can benefit from it?
Have you seen the flavor text files in my mods? Demeanors, empire names, types, etc.? USM is probably the smallest that has them... It is slightly out of date, but more or less what I have in other mods.
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