Yeah np
Postie is a free command line email program. You can download it from here
Basically just extracts into a single directory which you run it from.
I then have a batch file (my post command) which I then have the postie command in. For me this looks like
c:\postie\postie -host:mailserverip -from:myemailaddress -toerson_i_am_sending_to_email -s:"Dominions 2:OO_Aran Next Turn" -file:"c:\postie\oo_aran.txt"
This then has a Subject in the email of Dominions 2:OO_Aran and includes the text of the file oo_aran.txt in the body of the email.
You can actually have a command to attach a file - so for example if you wanted it as a pbem game you can attach the turn file.
I have a line for each player in the game, ending with me so I get a notification as well as knowing all is still well.
Once i'd done the above really the network game became glorious - you could of course just have the batch file which you ran after hosting if you just wanted it to send the emails.
Ask away