1. Of all the bands/artists in your cd/record collection, which one do you own the most albums by?
Led Zeppelin
2. What was the last song you listened to?
London Philharmanic orchestra rendition of "The Battle for Evermore."
3. What's in your record/CD player right now?
London Philharmanic orchestra rendition of "The Battle for Evermore."
Well... in my playlist, anyways...
4. What song would you say sums you up?
I do not think it is possible for one song to accurately define a person. People are not monotonous enough for such.
5. What are five old but good songs?
Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song
Credence Clearwater Revival - Born on the Bayou
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Otis Redding - (Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay
Beatles - Octopus' Garden
6. Most Inspiring Song You Have Heard?
Beatles - Octopus' Garden
7. Country Music - Who do you enjoy the most?
It is my ill-acquainted opinion that country music is a scourge upon the Earth!
8. Is Rap something that you like to listen to a lot?
It is unverifiable fact that rap is not actually music, so it should not be on this quiz!
9. What band or Artist do you love musically but hate most?
non sequitor answer goes here
10. What is the most musically involved you have ever been?
I once played some music.
11. What shows are you looking forward to?
12. What is your favorite band shirt?:
Do not possess any.
13. What musician would you like to hang out with for a day?
I don't really pay attention to musicians, just the music.
14. What musician would you like to be in love with for a day?
I don't really pay attention to musicians, just the music.
15. Punk rock, hip hop or heavy metal?
I dislike all of them equally.
16. Doesn't Primus suck?
Biased pollster, eh?
17. Name 4 flawless albums:
"Flawless" is a rather difficult standard to match... I'll just have to go by really good.
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Eric Clapton - Slowhand
Beatles - whatever the title of
this album is. I am the Walrus?
Would put a Led Zeppelin album, but none of them consist entirely of songs I like.
18. Did you know that filling out this survey makes you a music geek?
Lies and propaganda!
19. What was the greatest decade for music?
I could name a worst decade (the last 10 years), but not really a best.
20. How many music-related videos/dvds do you own?
21. Do you like Journey?
22. Don't try to pretend you don't!
How can I pretend when I have never heard of this Journey?
23. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
Movie sound trakcs tend towards the cliche.
24. What was your last musical "phase" before you wisened up?
Listening to the radio. Man, that sure was a mistake... so much repetitive tripe!
25. What's the crappiest CD/record/etc. you've ever bought?
None, as I have never purchased an album without liking the music first.
26. Do you prefer vinyl or CDs?
They both suck, but I guess CD because it losses less data...
27. All totaled, how much do you spend on music a month?
Less than $1 US.
28. What was the first 8-track/record/CD you bought?
No idea.
29. What record/CD have you almost worn out?
I have never come close to wearing out a CD. All of my music is stored on PC and played from copies in CD players/stereos/etc. CDs are already a fickle enough medium to add extra worries about being forced to buy replacement CDs. Thank Xintis for fair use rights legislation!
30. What song would you say is your all time favorite?
It would do great disservice to any excellent song not selected, so I refuse to make a choice.