Atrocities said:
What would make one hell of a good game is an planet based 4x game that incorperated all of the best of DOminions with those of SE. Man that would make for one great game.
Yeah. The one I've thought of is a Emperor of the Faded Suns version. You work to be declared the regent of the cosmic egg, Future Incarnation of All, and then usurp the Godhead.
Some pretenders can brave the horrors of astral space in void ships, some can build gates, or even travel instantanously by will. (500 points there...) Some worlds are spheres (use a flat dodecahedron if nothing else), some are flat, some need to have the turtle propitiated. Elemental strength might vary and termperature certainly would.
The hells fight their wars around the edges of the cosmos and horrors are believed to have devoured worlds -- but with no survivors, who knows? Maybe it was just devils...
Is there anyone who doesn't think that would be cool? When Illwinter grows to have millions to spend on a title then I'll hope to see it.