Renegade 13 said:
I guess what I'm essentially saying ...is that the theories should not be taken to be complete. They aren't until they can explain more of the glaring anomalies. Some people seem to think that the theory of global warming is complete and infallible; it isn't.
I certainly agree with you here 100%, and I hope I never made the claim that it is an infallible research program - in fact, no research program is infallible, I think, by definition.
I also think that it is entirely possible that there is a better theory to account for the world's climate today, just someone hasn't thought of it yet.
Certainly quite possible as well - although, and this is just my uneducated opinion, I believe that any future research program will accept AGW as it's hard core, and build upon it.
Essentially, I'm a skeptic. I require a lot of convincing.
Yay! Me too. Skepticism is necessary attribute of human progress and civilization. Those who lack skepticism are simply dogmatic zombie horde types who just eat brains. Or something like that.