PrinzMegaherz said:
I just downloaded the game and played two skirmirshes.
The AI really seems to know what it is doing, as I have seen it split it's forces to attack from two sides at once. Good thing he send his zombies (the hard hitting troops) the usual way, but sent his fast running mummies around my base to attack from behind and kill my workers - excellent.
But what about those heroes? It says that they will be back after 30 minutes, but I have the feeling that I played more than 30 minutes and never regained control over the hero. Bug maybe?
Probably bug or I don't know. Btw try to play against an Elven AI on hard. Its insane hard. I was attacked by like 150 archers in a couple of mins. 2 mins later another 150 came and some other units. The AI is keep invading me with more and more troops. Awesome. I think that on "hard" the AI is starting with more resources, but not on normal.
Btw 2 interesting things.
1. The AI surely doesnt know the map. It is scouting with small armies.
2. The AI is using his resource gatherers very well. I suspected as my Undead ally AI has made like 40 necros to harvest stone, and hes also upgraded all his mines to the maximum.
I must say that I am impressed about the AI, and this is just a demo, I guess patches can make it even better if it will be needed.
Damn I can't wait to play MP.
PS. I just had a crash with an error message. I had like 800 skeleton warriors, 250 mummies and some other units. I was building up a great invasion force. Maybe that was the problem. If this gonna happen once more, I will register on the official forum to post about it.